Fraud & Cybersecurity

Protecting Your Business From Fraud

Our experts are here to share best practices in fraud prevention and cybersecurity to help you stay informed so you can protect your business. We are dedicated to helping you protect yourself and your business. We have partnered with Trusteer Rapport®, a leading expert in financial security. Trusteer Rapport’s online fraud protection software is customized to protect our customers. It’s important to remember that: 

  • We will never ask for personal or financial information in response to or via a link in an email.
  • We will never initiate a phone call asking for financial information, including your account or social security numbers or balances.
  • When you call us we may ask you for specific information in attempt to verify your identity before disclosing financial information.
  • If we have reason to doubt the authenticity of a caller, we are not required to provide financial information.

Fraud & Cybersecurity Insight Articles

Article | 7 min
Small business owners can’t overlook their fraud prevention strategies. The extra cash you might save from cutting corners isn’t worth the money you could lose to scams and hackers...
Article | 5 min
Don’t let fraud prevention fall by the wayside. To survive in a world full of scammers and thieves, small businesses must take cybersecurity and check fraud seriously. Never trust a...
Article | 7 min
A vigilant remote work policy is the only way to safeguard your at-home employees from cybersecurity threats. While we’ve learned the value of remote and hybrid work over the past few...
Article | 7 min
The unfortunate reality is that cybercrime continues to pay, and as such, it continues to grow. This makes cybersecurity for small business an especially important topic for the small...
Article | 5 min
Primary Source of Fraud: Business Email Comprise Email communication plays a major role in how many businesses conduct their daily operations. Fraudsters continue to adapt their...
Article | 5 min.
Fraudsters Continue to Target Check Payments A large majority of organizations are still using checks for outgoing payments and checks continue to be the primary target of payments...

Additional Fraud & Cybersecurity Resources